We all can suffer from low mood from time to time. Whether it be diagnosed depression or anxiety, or just feeling low, try these nutrition tips to make you feel on top of the world again.

• Limit refined sugars and processed foods. Foods high in sugar can cause mood swings associated with fast changes in blood sugar. However, completely avoiding less healthy foods will only make cravings worse, so enjoy small amounts of ‘treat’ foods in moderation.

• Exercise every day – go for a walk or do some other exercise you enjoy. This helps improve mood and beat depression.

• Drink plenty of water – aim for 8 glasses daily. It removes waste from the body and can help to avoid headaches.

• Make sure you get plenty of B vitamins, as these help the body to use energy. They are found in milk, soy drinks, eggs, beef, fish, poultry, wholegrain breads & cereals and yeast extracts like Vegemite.

• Get your omega-3’s. These are the healthy fats found in fish, including tinned salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, canola oil and margarine, walnuts, chia seeds and soy foods. A lack of omega-3’s has been linked to depression.

• Eat some low GI or wholegrain carbohydrate with each meal, such as fresh fruit, grainy bread, brown or basmati rice, wholegrain cereal, baked beans, sweet potato, corn, yogurt, milk. These foods help to give you the energy to get through the day and prevent sweet cravings caused by swinging blood sugar levels.

• Include protein foods in every meal. Protein foods like fish, chicken, eggs, meat, legumes, milk, yogurt, cheese nuts & seeds are high in iron, zinc and B-vitamins and tryptophan, all important for improving mood. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid which helps boost serotonin levels (also known as the ‘happy hormone’). Protein foods also increase satiety making you feel fuller for longer.

• Limit caffeine – no more than 3 cups of coffee daily (or 4 cups tea). Also limit cola drinks like Coke. Try herbal teas for a change e.g. chamomile or peppermint tea.

• Enjoy alcohol in moderation. Try to limit to 1-2 drinks (maximum) on five days of the week only.

• Herbs like chamomile, valerian, passionflower and skullcap are beneficial for their effects of relieving nervous tension and promoting restful sleep. And getting enough sleep always makes you feel more energetic.

• How can you feel good if you are hungry? Eat 3 meals every day and skip meals. You may also include healthy snacks in between meals if you are hungry, such as fresh fruit, unsalted nuts, yogurt, wholegrain crackers with avocado or cheese.

• Eat breakfast every day – it gives you the energy to use your day productively. Try to include protein your breakfast for satiety (milk, yogurt, eggs, baked beans) e.g. wholegrain cereal and milk, fruit and yogurt, eggs or baked beans on toast, a smoothie or toasted ham and cheese sandwich.

• Enjoy eating out as part of your social routine but remember, social gatherings don’t always have to focus on food & eating. They can involve activity instead, e.g. go for a walk with a friend instead of catching up for coffee and cake.

• Maintain a healthy body weight. Talk to our dietitians for more information or to write you a personalized meal plan to help improve your goals.