What happened to regular full fat natural yoghurt? Now days when I go to buy yoghurt I can only seem to find Greek Yoghurt – full fat or low fat…. I used to buy a delicious natural (full fat) yoghurt by Jalna in a 2Kg tub, which no longer seems to be stocked, replaced by Greek Yogurt both full fat and ‘light’. Is this due to some sort of consumer driven perception that Greek Yoghurt is superior to regular natural yoghurt?
I prefer regular natural yoghurt for both nutrition and flavour. Most Greek Yoghurt is made with cream, so that full fat Greek Yoghurt is much higher in fat (and saturated fat) than full fat natural yoghurt.
Comparison of Greek and Natural yoghurts:
Now, while low fat yoghurts are lower in fat and saturated fat, I personally find they lack flavour and texture compared to full fat variety. Natural (full fat) Yoghurt has the benefit of a creamier taste and texture, without being significantly higher in fat (like Greek Yoghurt tends to be). BUT it seems to be a dying bread, and I struggle to find it in any supermarket.
Bring back regular natural yoghurt I say!!
*Ingredients and nutrition content vary significantly between brands of yoghurt
*Carbohydrate and Sugar content of all natural yoghurt is related to amount of lactose (natural milk sugar) and does not reflect added sugar. Higher sugar content in low fat yoghurt reflects the higher proportion of milk compared to cream (i.e. lactose).
*Sugar (lactose) content of yoghurt also varies depending on how much of the milk lactose is fermented by bacterial cultures (more fermentation = lower lactose / sugar content).
*Protein content is often directly related to fat content i.e. higher fat content = lower protein content.