Do you suffer from afternoon sugar cravings? Do you manage to eat healthy all day until around 4pm and then the cravings start? You are not alone!

Clients often tell me they get afternoon sugar cravings, and when I assess their diet I identify several possibly causes:

  • Avoiding carbs at lunch in an attempt to eat ‘healthy’
  • Inadequate lunch meals (not enough good quality low GI carbs or just not enough calories in general)
  • Poorly planned meals and snacks (no afternoon tea planned)
  • ‘Non-hungry’ eating after work (emotional eating due to boredom, stress or other reasons).

So tips to help curve your afternoon sugar cravings:

  1. Include some good quality low GI carbs in your lunch examples:
    • Chicken and salad sandwich with soy and linseed bread
    • Tuna or salmon salad with some roasted sweet potato or quinoa
    • 4 bean mix or chickpeas salad with tuna and avocado
  2. If you really want to have a low carbohydrate lunch make sure there is enough calories from protein and healthy fats so that you don’t go feeling hungry within a few hours after lunch. For example: Tuna salad with ½ avocado and Olive oil dressing
  3. Plan to have an afternoon snack around 4pm and take it to work. Pre-prepare your afternoon snacks even if you will be home from work at that time (i.e. prepare in the morning when you make your lunch and leave in fridge until you get home). Examples:
    • Yoghurt and fruit
    • Handful of unsalted nuts and 2-3 dates
    • Vegetable sticks and hommus
    • 2-3 wholegrain crackers (e.g. Vitawheat, Ryvita, Cornthins or Rice cakes) with avocado or nut butter.
  4. Be aware of ‘non-hungry’ eating: if you are prone to eating in the afternoon for ‘non-hungry’ reasons (e.g. boredom, stress or other emotions), take up an afternoon activity or hobby, e.g.:
    • Go for a walk with a friend
    • Go to the beach for a swim or walk
    • Gardening
    • Craft activity
    • Seek out local clubs and services
  5. Afternoon sugar cravings may also be due to tiredness from inadequate sleep. Make sure you are getting about 8hrs quality sleep per night.

Our Dietitians can help plan appropriate meals and snacks to meet your needs and help you address any ‘non-hungry’ eating that you may be doing.