EASTER NUTRITION TIP: Chocolate IS good for you, right?
With Easter Bunny on his way this weekend and supermarkets overflowing with chocolate Easter eggs and bunnies, I thought it apt to write about chocolate. After all is there anyone [...]
With Easter Bunny on his way this weekend and supermarkets overflowing with chocolate Easter eggs and bunnies, I thought it apt to write about chocolate. After all is there anyone [...]
Check out the Healthy Weight Week free cookbook, which contains 7 healthy gourmet recipes by Luke Mangan and nutrition tips from an Accredited Practising Dietitian for each meal. Check out: [...]
Start the day with breakfast. We hear it time and time again, but are you doing it? It’s true, breakfast eaters are more likely to be a healthy weight and [...]
This post follows yesterday’s post about sustainable seafood Good pant-based food sources of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids include: Chia seed, Flaxseed & Flaxseed oil (aka Linseed), LSA (ground Linseed, Sunflower [...]
After a lengthy review process which began after the Draft release in Dec 2011, the new Australian Dietary Guidelines are finally here. Check them out at www.eatforhealth.gov.au. What’s ‘new’ in [...]
As a Sports Dietitian one of the common problem areas I see in an athlete’s diet is inadequate recovery nutrition practices. “Effective recovery from intense training is the difference between [...]
Welcome to my latest blog - a day in the ‘eating’ life of Tasman! Following on from Breakfasts in the previous blog, this one is all about lunch! PICTURES: Despite [...]
Australia’s Healthy Weight Week 2013 runs from 20-27th January. It aims to motivate young Aussie women (18-25yrs) to kick-start healthy eating habits. [pl_blockquote cite="Dietitians Association Australia"]“Rates of weight gain in [...]
Coconut Muesli Slice Makes 16 1 ½ cup rolled oats 1 ¼ cup desiccated coconut ½ cup raisins ½ dried cranberries 1 Tbsp Chia seeds ½ tsp cinnamon 2 Tbsp [...]
Following on from previous post on “Baby’s First Foods – a day in the eating life of Tasman”, I thought the previous title was slightly misleading (baby’s first foods) as [...]