Group Supervision for Dietitians
Adelle has a new Supervision Group for Dietitians which has just started and looking for 2 more dietitians to complete our group. Group Supervision: is a group of 4 supervisees. [...]
Adelle has a new Supervision Group for Dietitians which has just started and looking for 2 more dietitians to complete our group. Group Supervision: is a group of 4 supervisees. [...]
I'm sure you are all feeling as anxious and uncertain as I am right now. I wanted to update you on Body Balance Nutrition and what our Dietitians are doing [...]
Welcome to 2020! I'm excited to be involved in Get Active's 6 Week Challenge, starting 17th February. Click here for more details. I'll be delivering nutrition seminar at the beginning, [...]
Swallowing and chewing difficulties People can have chewing or swallowing difficulties for a variety of reasons e.g. following surgery or treatment for head and neck cancer, post [...]
Toddlers, children and teenagers Toddlers, children and teenagers need to receive adequate nutrition too and are susceptible to health conditions just like adults. Areas where a Dietitian [...]
Vegetarian or vegan diets Vegetarian or Vegan diets can be healthy; however they require careful planning to ensure you receive all the nutrients you require to prevent [...]
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Pregnant and Breastfeeding mums have specific dietary requirements such as higher requirements for certain nutrients like iron and folate. Energy requirements vary significantly from [...]
Deficiencies If you have been diagnosed with acute or chronic kidney failure, there may be specific dietary restrictions you need to follow to preserve your kidney function. [...]
Deficiencies Common nutrient deficiencies include: Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin D, fibre, folate, B12 (vegan diets), Omega-3, Essential fatty acids, and more. Different stages of the lifecycle, gender, [...]
Malnutrition If you have lost weight without trying or have a poor appetite, you may be at risk of malnutrition. People who suffer from malnutrition have increased [...]