NUTRITION TIP: Should you add salt to your cooking?
Someone recently asked me if Jamie Oliver’s 15min meals are in fact healthy as he ‘adds salt to most of his recipes’. My response: the recommendation to avoid added salt [...]
Someone recently asked me if Jamie Oliver’s 15min meals are in fact healthy as he ‘adds salt to most of his recipes’. My response: the recommendation to avoid added salt [...]
I love the strong flavour in this warm chicken salad. Although perhaps ‘salad’ is the wrong name as it’s a meal in itself. 2 Tbsp Olive oil (I used [...]
Even in Australia approximately 31% adults have inadequate Vitamin D levels. Sources of Vitamin D: 1)DIET: In Australia food is not good source of VitD. Most adults are unlikely to [...]
Following on from ‘Which fat is which?’ (part 1) to answer two common questions: “Isn’t it bad to cook with Olive oil?” And “should we avoid margarine because they contain [...]
Following on from last week's blog, this one is all about what my 12month-old Tasman eats for Dinner! Moroccan Chickpeas with coucous & yogurt dressing The answer is [...]
Winter is a time for the dreaded cold and flu. Eating a nutritious diet, including variety of all the food groups, adequate fruit and vegetables, and a good dose of [...]
With recent media attention around the latest research regarding effects of vegetable oils on health, it can be difficult to determine what to believe and more importantly, which fats to [...]
Be portion aware. It's not uncommon to serve up a bigger portion than you need and larger portions are associated with unwanted calories. A simple way of working out portion [...]
Be a mindful eater. Take the time to REALLY TASTE and ENJOY food. Eat slowly. Engage all the senses – identify the smell, taste, texture, appearance, mouth-feel, and the feeling [...]
Learn to cook at home using fresh, healthy ingredients to boost your nutrient intake and cut back on calories. Throw out the packets and sauces-in-a-jar and use dried or fresh [...]