Gut Health
Gastro-intestinal conditions that are influenced by diet and lifestyle include: IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), chronic constipation, GORD (reflux), SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), and diverticular disease.
The Dietitian will conduct a full diet and symptom assessment, taking into account medical history, medical investigations, and blood test results to identify most appropriate diet to improve or management your symptoms.
For IBS suffers, this may include trialling a Low FODMAP Diet or Elimination Diet, investigating any possible malabsorption (e.g. lactose), considering other lifestyle factors such as stress and food ‘triggers’. You will need to keep a detailed food and symptom diary during dietary investigation.
Diet plays a very important role in Gut Health. While out ‘gut’ refers to our digestive system, including our stomach, small intestine and large intestine, ‘gut health’ is usually referring to having a healthy balance of intestinal micro-organisms or bacteria, collectively known as our Microbiota. While research is still emerging on the full importance, it is generally agreed that having a healthy gut microbiota plays a crucial role in the following areas:
- Immunity
- Extract nutrients and energy from our diets
- Mental health (prevention of depression)
- Reduce inflammation
- Role in prevention of allergies and intolerances
Factors affecting our Gut Microbiota include:
- Diet:
- amount and type of fibre intake,
- fat and protein intake,
- additives,
- intake of probiotics and prebiotics
- whether breastfed as an infant
- Mode of birth delivery
- Exercise
- Age
- Antibiotic use
- Geography
While we may not be able to change some factors, we can certainly optimise our gut microbiota by our diet. A Dietitian can help you achieve optimal gut health by some simple dietary changes.
Adelle Purbrick has specialised training in treating and managing IBS, IBD, SIBO and other gastro-intestinal issues such as gastroparesis.
PLEASE NOTE: Online bookings are exclusively if your appointment is for Disordered Eating, Food Allergies/Intolerances, Gastro-intestinal issues or Sports Nutrition. If you want to make an appointment for any other concerns, please ring our office on: 6681 6995