Health At Every Size (HAES) and The Non Diet Approach

HAES is a paradigm that is built upon supporting people of all sizes to pursue or maintain health and wellbeing.

It is not based upon measuring health via body weight, but looking at the broad range of factors which influence health at any one point in life. HAES and the Non Diet Approach use Mindful Eating or Intuitive Eating practices to promote eating in a way that balances nutritional needs, hunger, satiety, appetite and pleasure.

Renee is particularly passionate about empowering clients to reduce their emotional eating using the Non Diet Approach to Weight Management and Emotional Freedom Techniques (otherwise known as Tapping) if appropriate. More information can be found on her website: Nutrition Your Way

Adelle Purbrick
Adelle PurbrickPrincipal Dietitian - Body Balance Nutrition
Adelle has specialised training in the following areas: Eating Disorders (Adelle is trained in CBT-E for Eating Disorders and holds the ANZAED Eating Disorder Credential), Gastro-intestinal issues (e.g. IBS, Low FODMAP diet), Allergy and Intolerance (ASCIA Professional Certificate in Medical Nutrition Therapy for Food Allergy & Intolerance and RPAH Food Chemical Elimination Diet for Food Intolerance), and Sports Nutrition.