Like any good Dietitian and first-time mother, I am very proud of my little boy’s eating ability and love of food (he must take after his mother!).
Being a Dietitian, parents often ask me what I feed my son… it’s pretty simple really: ‘food’. 11month-old Tasman eats pretty much the same as his parents and with them too. I followed the principals of Baby-Led-Weaning (although not sticking to it by the letter) to introduce finger foods to Tasman right from the start, which means that now, even with only 4 teeth, he can eat anything and basically just eats what we eat. Of course, we follow a healthy balanced diet, with foods made from scratch using fresh ingredients, without unnecessary added sugar or salt (in Tasman’s foods at least).
I believe one of the most important factors in establishing healthy eating practices with your children is eating with them. Parents are role models for children; this is where they learn their healthy eating practices from, so it’s important that meals are eaten together as much as possible.
For the next few blogs I’m posting pics of Tasman’s meals – one post for each meal, a day in his ‘eating’ life:
BREAKFAST: porridge made with whole oats, milk (full cream or 2%). Sometimes I add cinnamon and/or a little LSA and/or some chopped apricots while it’s cooking. And of course pieces of banana, his FAVOURITE food and also one of his first words!
Another favourite breakfast is weetbix with warm milk + natural yoghurt + pieces of banana (of course).
+ Water in a sipper cup
Tasman enjoys feeding himself yoghurt
*Disclaimer: Tasman is still breastfed, he has a feed before each nap and going to bed at night.
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