Following on from previous posts, this one is all about healthy snacks
Tasman eats afternoon tea when he wakes from his afternoon nap. At this stage I am still breastfeeding and he has a breastfeed before his morning nap so he is currently not have morning tea, but when he does start having morning tea I will use similar foods for morning snacks. I tend to give him afternoon tea sitting on the floor in the kitchen… this way I can prepare dinner with him being occupied and happy!

Personally I don’t go for baby’s or children’s ‘snacks’ such as those marketed for toddlers or kids that you find in the supermarket (e.g. Only Organic or Bellamy’s or Heinz apple mini rice cakes etc). They are a waste of money!!! And NEVER as natural as they claim to be. What’s wrong with normal food I wonder? Enough about that here, I will write a rant about this in a later blog.

Tasman’s regular Afternoon Tea Snacks include:

• Rice cake with natural peanut butter or avocado or cream cheese or hommus or just butter & a thin scrape of Vegemite.
• Fresh Fruit cut into pieces. I choose soft fruit as Tasman only has 4 teeth e.g. pear, papaya, banana, melon, grapes, mandarin (recently in season and Tasman’s new favourite)
• Cooked legumes e.g. chickpeas or 4 bean mix – he loves picking these up now that he has learnt to do ‘pincer grip’.
• Dried apple (he loves sucking on this) or apricot or a few sultans + a handful of corn puffs (from health food section, no added anything). I keep dried fruit to a minimum because its high in sugar and also because as he only has 4 teeth he swallows it whole and goes straight through him. So I only give him dried fruit occasionally and he only has 1 piece of dried apple/apricot or a few sultanas.
• Natural yogurt (less common because I like to give him finger-food snacks that he can eat himself.
+ Water in a sipper cup

Stay tuned for Dinners next!
