Following on from last week’s blog, this one is all about what my 12month-old Tasman eats for Dinner!
Moroccan Chickpeas with coucous & yogurt dressing
The answer is simple: what ever we eat! I try to have dinner ready for 6pm so that we eat together with Tasman. I believe it is really important that children eat with their parents (who act as role models). This has meant James and I have to change our routine a bit and I have to be organised, but it’s worth it.
Dinner includes a HUGE variety of foods such as roast chicken with roast vegetables & greens, Moroccan chickpeas with couscous (he loves picking up chickpeas), stirfry tofu & vegetables with brown rice (he loves tofu), spaghetti bolognaise, tuna pasta with sundried tomatoes, olives & capers in olive oil (he even loves olives), salmon steak with vegetables, shepherd’s pie with sweet potato mash, risotto (I role the rice into little balls so he can pick it up with his fingers), lasagne, omelette (our quick easy dinner if too tired to cook).
+/- Natural yogurt &/or fruit for dessert (especially if he happened to not like dinner much – which rarely happens! Often he eats so well at main course I don’t worry about dessert).
I am often surprised at the variety of foods Tasman will eat when he sees us eating them e.g. the other day he ate blue cheese and smoked salmon because that’s what we were eating for lunch, and he loved it! I only gave him a little of these due to high sodium content. But the point is that children will eat anything with positive reinforcement and if they are eating with you and watching you eat and watching you enjoying it! That’s why it is so important that adults eat WITH children and after they have gone to bed. Obviously it may be not feasible to do this everyday, but if you can do it most days of the week (e.g. 4 out of 7) it’s a great start to healthy eating!
roast chicken & vegetables
Left overs from shepherd’s pie and veggies
*Disclaimer: Tasman is also still breastfed, he has a feed before each nap and going to bed at night.
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